RIDDOR 2013 - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
RIDDOR stands for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurences Regulations. It is the law that requires employers to report and keep records of certain dangerous occurences and work-related accidents.
The HSE have a short guide to RIDDOR that you should download and have to hand. It explains what work-related accidents must be reported, giving the list of 'specified injuries' which must be reported and the eight categories of reportable work-related illnesses. It also contains the contact information for reporting online and by telephone in the case of fatal accidents.
Record Keeping
Keeping a record of accidents in your workplace, as well as being required in some cases, also allows you to properly manage the health and safety risks to your workforce. If sufficent information is collected it can be used to help conduct risk assessments and find solutions to mitigate potential risks identified.
You can buy an accident report book for your workplace directly from the HSE using this link: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/accident-book.htm
RIDDOR in schools
The HSE have a guidance leaflet about incident reporting in schools. Most incidents that happen in schools or
on school trips do not need to be reported. Only in limited circumstances will an incident need notifying to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under RIDDOR.
HSE Reporting accidents and injuries at work - RIDDOR 2013
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