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Anaphylaxis training recommendations from the Resuscitation Council (UK)

The Resuscitation Council (UK) gives the following information on anaphylaxis training courses:

"Individuals who require training to use an auto-injector include those who have to carry an auto-injector for self-use and those who may have to treat a person with anaphylaxis using an auto-injector, e.g., parents, carers and teachers.

There is no statutory legal requirement in the UK deeming who is suitably trained to train others. However any trainer has an obligation under common law to ensure they are competent to train others. The Resuscitation Council (UK) recommends that those who train others in treating anaphylaxis and the use of adrenaline auto-injectors should be appropriately qualified.

Trainers should be skilled in teaching others, and be able to demonstrate competency in teaching others how to recognise and treat anaphylaxis including the use of an adrenaline auto-injector. The following groups are suggested as trainers: doctors, nurses, resuscitation officers, registered paramedics, statutory ambulance service trainers, voluntary aid society and voluntary rescue organisation trainers, and other individuals such as accredited first aid trainers. This list is not exhaustive.

Whilst there is no prescriptive course programme, training for trainers should be based on current Resuscitation Council (UK) recommendations. Trainers should also be familiar with the current legislation which applies to their client group.

All those who prescribe adrenaline auto-injectors must ensure that individuals who carry an auto-injector receive training in its use. There is more than one available brand of auto-injector so training will need to be tailored accordingly.

Adrenaline auto-injectors are not intuitive and everyone who attends training needs to be shown how to use the device and also be given an opportunity to practise using a training device. Anaphylaxis training should also include avoidance of allergens, the early recognition of symptoms and crisis management which would include when to administer emergency treatment, and how to care for the patient whilst waiting for emergency services to arrive."

[ref: Question 21 of Frequently asked questions on "Emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions Guidelines for healthcare providers" Resuscitation Council (UK) ]

Anaphylaxis Training Courses

React First is regulated and approved to deliver first aid training and qualifications by the Awarding Organisation ITC First. Our organisation and all our trainers meet the HSE requirements and we are externally verified by the Awarding Organisation. 

We run a standalone, Level 2 Award in Basic Life Support and Management of Anaphylaxis that meets the UK Resus Council guidelines, or we can include the required content on general courses such as First Aid for Schools as required.

More information about adrenaline auto-injectors


Emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions - Guidelines for healthcare professionals


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